Located in Chandler Arizona, Tera has always been in the business of providing service to others, whether it be working in a hospital setting or documenting people’s lives through photography.While she found joy in truly helping others, and gaining invaluable knowledge and stories that she carry with her always, there was still something missing.
With some deep soul searching, Tera made the choice to cultivate her connection with Spirit, and begin to use the spiritual gifts she has suppressed for many years. By integrating daily meditation practices, Tera began to once again hear the call to help others…this time it was in a way that was more in line with who she is on a soul level.
Working with Oracle Cards, Tera is able to help others build a solid foundation of self-confidence and self-empowerment to make choices in their lives which allow them to truly step into their power, and live their authentic truth.
When she isn’t tapping into the Spirit realm or reading Oracle Cards, she is spending time with her husband, 2 young daughters, and 3 dogs watching movies, playing games, and being silly.