

Om Creative by Mariel


Reconnection with Your True Self after Life Storms and Finding Your Own Rainbows

  • Discover your own Truth 
  • Reconnect with yourself and find your own Rainbow (your new way of living)

Mariel’s I CAN FLY program- from Intuition through to Your new way of living, uses Creative Mindfulness and Oracle cards to help women reconnect with themselves after life storms, discover their truth based on their worth, and design a new way of living toward finding their rainbows.

Life’s storms can knock us out of our bodies and make us forget who we are- The Creative Mindfulness experience in the I CAN FLY program is part reflection, part creation and all connection-a quiet, gentle and safe place to hold space for going deep into ourselves and finding our intuitive Inner Truth through Creative Mindfulness and Oracle cards.


Meet Mariel

Mariel has become an artist through a journey of healing. She now sees her mission as helping women to reconnect with themselves after the storms of life have made them forget who they are and what they want and deserve in life. 

A natural intuitive, creative spirit and love of children and nature, Mariel loves building memories with the people she loves. Her adoration of the ocean and tropical beaches makes Mariel feel that being born in Canada was perhaps a mix-up in nature’s plan. So she does her best to get to the ocean a few times a year. 

She tries to infuse gratitude and grace in the way she walks the planet. It is her honour to help women empower themselves and watch them fly.


Ros says about Mariel

“Mariel is a supportive and empowering Oracle Card Reader and her readings have the sense of a current which directs you for the smoothest and most empowering journey. 

Mariel’s readings focus on supporting you to find your rainbow in any storm – now or in the past and her experience of her own storms and rainbows provides an authentic connection, acceptance and compassion with empowering outcomes for you through her readings.”


Mariel on Ros and the Oracle Card Academy®

“Ros is a magical combination of joyous enthusiasm, a tireless supporter of anyone wanting to grow, and an amazing affinity for teaching in an authentically relatable way.  Her Oracle Card Academy has turned me on to Oracle Card reading more than I ever thought I would. Expecting it would be a fun hobby to read for myself, her training and encouragement has opened up a world of reading Oracle Cards for others that is beyond anything I could have expected. Her clear guidelines and well prescripted course has allowed me to blossom into an intuitive Oracle Card reader capable of reaching many people. I can’t recommend Ros or her Oracle Card Academy training enough.”


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