
Deb Sakal

Simply You Today


Simply You Today

I help you to connect and focus in on what really matters in your life right now and to take action steps towards achieving it.

Meet Deb

Hello, I am Deb, I recently moved from the UK to Southern Spain – ever following the sun! I am also a professional artist and enjoy painting skyscapes and sunsets. I walk every day and I am lucky enough to be able to walk on the beach most days where I love to feel the calm energy of the sea, which feeds my soul.

A year or so ago, I knew I had to take massive action to change my life. The old saying by Albert Einstein comes to mind here: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.“ I wasn’t going to spend another year being unhappy, feeling helpless and miserable.

Finally, after much research into many different options and soul searching, I decided to move to Spain. So I sold my house and moved, lock stock and barrel, late last year, just me and my cat Molly.

And here I am loving my new life in sunny Southern Spain. I’m making a new life for myself, making new friends and learning Spanish. Is it hard, yes, do I still have challenges and issues, yes of course.

However, I made the necessary changes and I’m happy!  As I’ve changed and developed, another thing I’ve taken action on which really matters to me, was to more fully embrace my calling and gifts of helping others through my role as a professional oracle card reader and mentor.

My company, Simply You Today, is going from strength to strength, thriving and growing, my skills continually developing and deepening, offering guidance, clarity, understanding and knowledge to my clients. Plus, most importantly in my opinion and experience, how to take clear and effective action steps.

This is why you can confidently work with me, I’ve done it and am continuing to do it, each and every day, connecting and focusing on what really matters now in my life.

Ros says about Deb

“Deb is an action orientated Oracle Card Reader who will help you to work out what really matters in your life. With clear guidance and easy to understand practical steps, Deb will help you to understand what action to take and offer her support to move you forward into improvements in all areas of your life.”

Deb on Ros and the Oracle Card Academy®

“My work with Ros has been literally life changing in the best way possible. Ros is supportive, professional, knowledgeable and just a total pleasure to work with. She enabled me to develop and deepen my skills in a safe environment and to overcome many challenges, blocks and self- sabotage which I’d not been able work through before. I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be in the happy place I’m in now if it wasn’t for Ros, she is amazing and has become a much valued friend. If you want massive positive changes in your life and business, work with Ros, it really is that simple.”

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